Sunday, March 11, 2012

Creation Sunday - 2011 Christmas, Part 2: Bath Salts

Today Hillary is going to talk about more of the fun and interesting things she made for Christmas.

Every year for Christmas, I hand make at least some of my gifts.  Aside from jewelry, there is always a handmade journal or recipe book or breakfast cereal mix or something.  This year, one of those "somethings" was home made bath salts.  There are many excellent recipes online, but I found my favorite source for recipes to be this site because it has so many recipes and the directions are so clear and easy.

I made Three kinds of Bath Salts: Vanilla Lavender, Mint and Vanilla Cinnamon milk bath.
For the vanilla Lavender, I used the basic bath salt recipe and added Some vanilla lavender scented massage oil.  For the mint, I used the basic recipe and then added crushed dried mint leaves from my garden.  For the Vanilla Cinnamon milk bath, I used the milk bath recipe with the basic bath salts recipe and added in the scrapings from 2 vanilla beans as well as a little ground cinnamon.  I also added some whole vanilla beans and some cinnamon sticks into the jar as a decoration and a way to get a little extra fragrance infused into the bath salts.

It's really that simple.  All I did beyond the above is put the bath salts in a 1 pint wide mouth ball jar, stick on a pretty label, tie on a pretty ribbon and put pack of "coffee scoops" (2 tbl plastic scoop) obtained from the dollar store in the package along with the jar of bath salts.

This is an excellent gift that's very simple to make and very customizable to the receiver's tastes. Enjoy!

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